The European Space Agency is releasing the first catalogue of astronomical data from the Euclid space telescope, including three new enormous image mosaics with zoom-ins. Follow the reveal live on Wednesday 19 March at 11:00 BST / 12:00 CET.
For this first data release of Euclid’s six-year survey, our dark Universe detective has scouted out the three patches of the sky where it will eventually make the deepest observations of its mission. Together, these previews of the Euclid deep fields make up 63 square degrees of the sky, the equivalent area of more than 300 times the full Moon. With these three images, Euclid opens its first treasure-trove of data that can be used by scientists to answer many open questions in astronomy.
Press release and where to find the new images
An ESA press release including high-resolution versions of all images will be issued on 19 March on esa.int/euclid.
To explore the images in the highest resolution, visit ESASky: https://sky.esa.int/esasky/